Where students and community come together to discover challenges and design real-world solutions.

Fall 2023 Innovation Team Grants

This year we are shortening our Innovation Team Grants to align with our district improvement work. Our focus will be around amplifying student voice, self-direction, and collaboration. Student teams will have the opportunity to apply for funding to solve a problem at their school. Three challenges that were uncovered on recent student surveys were: How can we help students be nicer to each other? How can we help our schools be cleaner? Do all students feel like they belong at school? What other challenges matter to you?

Our 3 Questions

What matters to you? 

How might we help our school community? 

How will you tell your story?


We are shortening the timeline based on feedback and to align with our district 60 day PDSA Cycles.

Engineering Design Challenge

*Recommended if you would like a more structured experience 

Design Thinking

*If you would like students to take on a more open ended challenge

Go out and interview people in your community and hear what matters to them!

Additional Teacher Resources