KYVL provides access to over 60 encyclopedias, full text and citation databases as well as test prep and skill-building resources, How to Do Research tutorials and more. Contact Dr. England for a username and password to use KYVL at home.  

You can also access KYVL training videos on Youtube

Britannica School Middle

Provides articles, primary source documents, eBooks, maps and videos. Good for beginning your search.

Explora for Middle School

Multiple database search of articles and encyclopedias.  Great for finding recent articles about your topic. Learn how to use Explora.

Kentucky Digital Library

Historical newspapers, images, books, oral histories and maps

Topic Search

Current events, social, political, and economic issues, and scientific discoveries


Need to find a good book? Provides recommendations of books based on criteria you select.

Teen Book Cloud

Online database of eBooks and educator resources. Collection of Graphic Novels, Enhanced Novels, eBooks, classic literature, National Geographic videos, educator resources, and audiobooks. 

Opposing Viewpoints In Context is a rich resource for debaters and includes pro/con viewpoints, reference articles, interactive maps, infographics, and more. 

Opposing Viewpoints: The Basics

Opposing Viewpoints: Beyond the Basics Tutorial