Elementary Learning Plans and Resources


Elementary Learning Plans

Below are the links by grade level which will direct you to the English and Math essential learning packets for weeks one and two as well as weeks three and four.

You will see, we have adjusted packets so that they are condensed and work is much more accessible through our website. Please contact your child’s school if you are not able to access the learning plan on line and special arrangements need to be made.

Teachers will continue to be in contact with you and your child regularly during the closure so that they can support your child and answer any questions, provide feedback and support learning. Please contact your teacher for specific questions about your child. For students with disabilities receiving instruction following the Aligned Standards of Learning, your child's teacher will be providing individualized instructional materials(additional resources).

For general questions send an email to: ccpshelpme@campbell.k12.va.us

Additional Online Resources

CCPS Elementary List of Resources & Ideas