Add/Edit Flight details

You can easily add and edit your flight details in our 'Trip Portal'

Log in to the Trip Portal:

Use your email and your password. If you don;t remember your password click on 'First Acccess'

1 - Add flights

2 - Edit Flights

7. Update your flight details

You can see your confirmed trip once logged in ( Open your trip, scroll down below the itinerary, the recap of payments made and below the part where you can make a new payment, you will see the option "add flights/trains".

There, you can enter your flight details so we can organize your pick-up and drop-off for your airport transfers if you have booked any. Don't forget to give us the flight number so we can also double-check. We will pass this information on to our transporter so they can see if your flight is slightly delayed during the day.

Please note that we only need the last leg of your incoming journey and/or the first leg of your outgoing journey if you're not flying directly.

If you have more than 1 flight to insert, click "save", and another transfer line will appear.

Note: If you are travelling and experience a several-hour delay, please get in touch with a member of our staff so we can liaise with the transporter.