Library Information

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

13.  Can I volunteer in the DFE Library?  Yes!  Once you have completed your volunteer paperwork, the library would welcome your help.  Volunteers help keep supplies in order, do general teacher prep work (copies, cutting, sharpen pencils), and help with displays or special projects.  We may have occasional projects you could complete from home.  Contact Ms. Logan for more information.

14.  How can I support the DFE Library?  One of the best ways to support school library programs is to advocate for them with state and local officials.  Is your child having a great experience in the library?  Let a school district administrator, school board member, or state legislator know about it!  You can also advocate for adequate, sustainable funding for library staff and materials.  To specifically support the DFE Library, shop at the annual book fairs, participate in our Birthday Book program, or ask Ms. Logan if the library has immediate needs you could meet.