4-5 Lessons

Watch this Awesome video!

1) Connect, 2) Talk about everything, 3) Breathe, 4) Help others by being real and kind, 5) Listen. 6) Reach out, be a team!

Connecting and Zones 4-5 grade

What's Up? How are things?

This video has my e-mail and talks about moving to the next grade or school. Connecting is important!


4-5 hello video 5/11

Hello. This is how it is. So...we do what we can

This short video is about being however you are; and doing what you can.

Mind Bubbles (book)

The video is me reading the book Mind Bubbles. Password: 1x$609D3


Hello Fourth and Fifth Graders! Video #2

Watch my introduction (left) then Youtube video about bullying. Thanks

Baxter 4&5 #1.mov

Hello Fourth and Fifth Graders!

4&5th grade video #1

I hope you will watch this video. It is cringy and a little hard to watch... Since it is my first ever. I expect, with practice, shorter and better ones in the future...

What Is Neuroplasticity?

Media: Video – https://youtu.be/wDYq-i0RdoI


  • After watching the video, consider a time when you rewired your brain. You may not have known it at the time, but you now know that it is possible to go from non-learner to learner.

  • List 5 activities you have mastered since you were born. (Hint: reading)

  • List 5 new activities you would like to master.

  • Maybe make a poster illustrating both.

  • Share your poster with Mr. Baxter (optional). I'd love to see your work! 😊