Elementary Programs

Joyful Literacy!

The Camas School District 1st-3rd intensive in-person summer program will focus on foundational skills and joyful literacy experience to build confident and successful readers!  Our district is proud to offer a full four-week program at Hellen Baller Elementary School.  

The Camas School District elementary school program is structured to help students make critical academic gains during the summer months.  We will be inviting roughly 250 students 1-3 who would most benefit from extra literacy support based on reading levels and teacher recommendation.

Time Frame and Schedule


Teachers will be building custom content aligned to Camas School District instructional standards and practices.  The focus will be teaching and re-teaching executive functioning skills, transferable strategies, and standards mastery through a hands-on application approach.  Students will work individually, in whole group, and small groups to complete their learning targets. 

Students are expected to be: