“Are competitions going to be in-person like it used to be or are there going to be significant changes?” 

 We will be attending a mix of in-person and virtual tournaments this year.

 Review of the formats: 

We will be able to attend in-state tournaments in person (or as the host school allows). This means regionals and states are also in-person. Other invitationals will be mostly satellite or mini-so, and chances of traveling are very low as of right now. Updated during zoom meeting. Check the ppt!

“Where should I pay for the Science Olympiad club fee?” Additionally: “What’s the ASB card fee?” and “Is it really a $50 dollar lab fee?”

There will be no SciOly fee this year. However, you do need an ASB card, meaning you pay $35 to the ASB window in the front office for an ASB sticker. This provides access to many different sports and clubs, as well as football games. It is not $50, a typo on our side. $35 to the ASB window.

“How often do we meet?” & “When are the zoom meetings?”

We will meet at the beginning of the year (first meeting), before any tournaments, or for any major announcements (such as events/teams). There are no weekly meetings. Meetings will be held over zoom for now (for capacity reasons) until further notice.

“When do we pick out events?” & “I don’t know what events I’m doing yet, what do I put for the discord verification?” & “How many events do you recommend each person do?”

Start choosing your events now here! Here is the rulebook

For the discord verification, just put what you are interested in! Those roles do not matter much.

We recommend an average of 3 events and usually at least 2 events. Of course, based on what team/events you are doing, there can be exceptions. https://bit.ly/CHS-SOevents21-22

Covered in zoom. 

“What will determine whether I am on the high school or the middle school team?” & “Difference between C and B division?”

By signing up with us, you are automatically on the high school team! High school is C division, and Middle school is B division. 9th graders are allowed to compete on the middle school teams if space allows, please let us know if you are interested in that. Otherwise, you will be competing with your fellow schoolmates.