KI Tablets

How does KI help us?

KI tablets prevent the thyroid (a gland at the front of your neck that involves the endocrine system it produces and releases hormones, very important) from absorbing radioactive iodine but only that.

It protects our thyroid but why is that important? 

 It's important to protect your thyroid because it not only is a part of your endocrine system, but it also controls your metabolism rate, so say if you get radiation exposed and your thyroid is affected, that can affect your entire body because you won't be able to eat, and you get your energy from eating so you would not be gaining energy. Also, it can affect your growth and development.

How do you get KI tablets?

Calvert residents within a 10-mile radius of the power plant can receive KI tablets for free from the Calvert County Health Department. If you don't live within an emergency protective zone you can still purchase KI tablet from your local health department or local pharmacist.