Evacuation Plan

How long do we have?

After a leak, you have 10 minutes or more to find an adequate shelter before the contaminated air arrives. If a multi-story building or a basement can be safely reached within a few minutes of the leak, go there immediately. The safest buildings have brick or concrete walls. Also be sure to cover air vents so it can't get inside.

How do we evacuate?

If you can evacuate move to a safe distance away. If you can’t evacuate stay indoors with windows closed and ventilation turned off until the plume passes. Take KI tablet to protect the thyroid gland against absorbing radioactive iodine.

What is the main radius of concern? 

Anyone living within 10 miles of a plant should stay alerted and evacuate if possible. Anyone within 50 miles should take action to protect local food and water supplies, as well as evacuate.