Peer Pressure- Teens, be part of the solution not the problem

What is Peer Pressure? 

Peer Pressure, according to Oxford Languages is "Influence from members of one's peer group". The definition says "one's peer group" meaning it doesn't have to be your friends who influence you, it could be anyone around you. Sometimes peer pressure is not as direct as you think. Then how can it look? What are some of the forms it can take? Let's pretend you are trying to stick to dieting and all your friends around you are eating unhealthy fast food. Even though your friends are not telling you to, they are still influencing you to eat fast food.

How Does This Relate to Drugs and Alcohol?

Teens have a tendency to think "That wouldn't be me" "I'm better than that" and "I have a much stronger willpower." But once they are actually put in these peer pressure situations, unfortunately, teens do not live up to their expectations. 55% of teenagers who tried drugs self-reportedly did so because of peer pressure according to an article by Teensavers. You may think you're immune to peer pressure but you are not. "I just want to fit" "All my friends are trying it" "One time can't hurt me". Telling yourself these things does not save you from the dangers of addiction. Peer pressure is a catalyst of addiction and can manifest from "one time". If you are worried about your friends judging you for saying no then they are not people who care about your well-being. 

How Do I Overcome Peer Presure?

Peer pressure is a difficult thing to deal with, especially as a teenager. You are constantly challenged in school with teens around you using substances. Saying no can be hard, but it is crucial to your future. Ways to deny peer pressure can be simple: like a confident "No thank you" or "No I am ok", quickly move from the situation before things escalate. Using humor as a way to get out of these situations is common and can make a scary "no" slightly more comfortable. If the person who was pressuring is your friend, after the situation is over consider expressing how uncomfortable you were and how you do not want to use substances. Peer pressure is complex and knowing how to deal with it is just as important as being able to notice it.