Advertisements- They know YOU, how companies target teens.

The harmful ads constantly circulating the media.

How companies use marketing, inciting flavors, tricks, and "the rainbow of death" to target youth.

Big Companies Profiting Off of Teens

The RAND Corporation found that young people ages 11 to 14 saw an average of three alcohol ads per day, which works out to more than a thousand per year.  

Inticing Flavors 

As you can see these vapes are colorful and eye-catching towards kids.

Rainbow of Death

The colors of the bottles are equally harmful to the youth. Teens are more inclined to use alcohol when it has a fruity flavor or inciting color on the label.

  These are just a few examples of marketing to a younger audience. Marketing toward underage kids is prevalent despite attempts of the government to stop them. You might not think these advertisements are harmful, but they are specifically designed to impact your thoughts and feelings. These types of ads show the "fun" side of drinking instead of the reality, giving teens a warped view of drinking. These types of ads are very influential and make teens think drinking is nothing but "fun", "harmless", and the "social norm."

Nicotine Advertisement Tricks 

The large tobacco and nicotine companies purposely target kids through advertising. They advertise savory and sweet flavors with bright colors that are very attractive to children. We are their guinea pigs. If kids want to buy the product, most likely everyone will. Although they don't show the harmful reality of the product and the addiction they will cause, Teens, and kids, are influenced to buy these devastating products and companies will continue to believe us to be naive and uninformed about the dangers of their product.