It's the final countdown!!! You guys are starting your last ever semester of high school! Keep up the good work and finish strong. We have a few more things to ask of you before you graduate, and for more information, please check out our senior checklist linked down below.

For a while now, probably since you started high school, you have had to figure out how to answer the dreaded question "so do you have any plans for after school?" And chances are your answer has ranged from yes and proceeding to say what your plan is to no and just saying you'll see where God takes you. That being said, no matter how annoying that question might be, we are asking you to answer it for us, along with a few other questions for your senior yearbook. Even if you still aren't sure about what you want to do in life or how to answer any of the other questions, we would like you to do your best to answer them. Down below there will be a link to the form; you don't have to fill it out immediately, but if you could have your answers in by March 15 it would be much appreciated. Please remember that your responses will be put into the yearbook for anyone who buys one to see.

Link to Senior Checklist

Link to Senior Interview