Transition Team

At the College we are very fortunate to be supported by a fantastic team of experienced Tutors and pastoral staff.

Our pastoral system is planned to assist the educational, social and personal development of every child, and to ensure that the achievements of our students are well recognised. When problems or issues occur which hamper the child’s development our pastoral systems are designed to initiate positive intervention. We believe in ensuring that parents / carers are fully involved and we work with them in order to address any issues that may occur.

The Year 7 Pastoral team will work to ensure that your child settles in to secondary school, makes friends, enjoys learning and achieves their full potential in everything they do. On joining Year 7, each student is placed in a mixed ability tutor group. The Tutor is the key figure in the pastoral structure, and they have overall responsibility for the progress and conduct of the members of his or her tutor group.

We aim to provide continuity by ensuring that the Tutor remains with the same students for a number of years, this also allows the Tutor to gain an in-depth understanding of the individuals in their charge. Students spend time every day with their tutor group and Tutor. Students can approach their Tutors with any concerns or problems they may have. Tutors also monitor student’s attendance, behaviour and home learning and will be in touch with you if they have any concerns. 

There are five Tutors in Year 7 (2024/2025). This team of Tutors is led by a Head of Year and the Pastoral Support Assistants. We understand that starting secondary school is quite daunting. To support students in the transition we utilise our peer mentors who offer guidance and a friendly face.

Mrs Gemma Parker (Designated Safeguarding Lead) and Mr. Nick Griffiths (SENDCO) also take a key role in fulfilling our College’s inclusive practice ensuring that Callington Community College “goes the extra mile” to help all students to reach their potential. There are a number of Safeguarding staff at Callington Community College who are specially trained in how to deal with serious issues. Photos of the team are situated around the College.

 Please be assured that any concerns raised will be taken seriously by staff at the College and we will try our best to help. 

Head of Year

Mrs Kelly Carter


Mr Nick Griffiths

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Gemma Parker


Mrs Leanne Jules


Mr. Josh Walke


Ms. Annie Ramwell


Ms. Louise Frost


Ms. Kerry Edwards


Harley Deubec


GREAT TUTORS spend time observing and listening.

GREAT TUTORS invest time and energy in building relationships.

GREAT TUTORS sustain high standards through great routines.

GREAT TUTORS are the link between the College and home.

GREAT TUTORS connect the student with colleagues/other students.

GREAT TUTORS monitor tutees’ academic and personal progress.

GREAT TUTORS share important information about students.

GREAT TUTORS have great relationships with the families of students in their care.

GREAT TUTORS have their safeguarding radar on everyday.