Transition @ CCC

We are very fortunate to work in some of the most beautiful countryside in England. We work closely with our partner primary schools to ensure that transition to Callington Community College is as smooth as possible.

The move to Callington Community College starts well before the Summer when our staff visit every primary school to talk to our primary partners and get to know each student as an individual. In addition, we hold a variety of transition events, including opportunities for every new Year 7 student & family to spend some time during June/July, to meet key staff and other students. 

The morning of the first day in September is just for Year 7, so they feel confident before the rest of the school joins them. All of our Year 7 tutor groups have at least 3 dedicated peer mentors from Year 8 assigned to them to work with and support the new students. 

There are also a wide variety of clubs and activities for Year 7 students to engage in throughout their first year. It is important to us that your child feels safe and secure all day long, so our pastoral teams are highly visible and proactive, resulting in consistently calm and positive behaviour for learning.