Supra Curriculum

Be Interested.  Be Interesting.

When applying for univeristy, admissions tutors will want to see your passion for the subject you are applying for.  They do this by looking at your supra-curriculuar activities.  These are the activities that take you beyond the curriculum in the subject you are planning to study, beyond what your teachers teach so you can demonstrate your passion for your chosen subject.

The range of super-curricular activities available to you is huge, so cost but many are free and, with the internet, you have plenty of opportunity to go the extra mile and show your passion for the subject you are planning to study.

WeST Supra Curriculum Award Scheme

By keeping a record of every Supra-Curricular activity you do, you can earn a WeST Supra Curriculum Award in recognition of your dedication, passion and determination.  You will need to think about the impact of each activity on your existing knowledge about the subject, how it has developed your thinking or knowledge, any skills you have developed and so on.  Above all, your Supra-Curriculular portfolio has to be thought of as building a case to support your university application.

Click HERE to record your activities and add to your portfolio

Supra Curriculum Opportunities

Oxbridge Opportunities

Isaac Physics Is described as a Department of Education project at the University of Cambridge. It aims to give students transitioning from GCSEs to Sixth Form, to university, insight into and understanding of physics by problem solving. A Level resources range from problem solving, mentoring schemes to extension resources (includes a section on maths questions to help prepare for a STEM course interview).

My HE Plus is hosted by Cambridge University. The website aims to give students the opportunity to explore different subjects beyond the school curriculum. Each subject section has been put together by Cambridge postgraduate students and academics who are at the cutting edge of research in their field. As well as guided activities, there are questions to think about and suggestions for further reading.

Created by Oxford University, Oxplore aims to engage young people in debates and ideas that go beyond the classroom. A wide range of subjects are covered, from archeology to zoology, and linked to the latest research being carried out at Oxford.

Staircase 12 is hosted by Oxford University and has a wealth of an online resources and information with lots of ideas to help students extend their knowledge beyond the school syllabus.

Cambridge University Subject Masterclasses aim to give academically able students in Year 12 the chance to experience typical undergraduate teaching and student life at Cambridge. The classes are subject-specific and include taster lectures, Qs & As, an introduction to the Cambridge admission process and the opportunity to learn about life as a Cambridge student from Cambridge students.

STEM Opportunities

Isaac Physics Is described as a Department of Education project at the University of Cambridge. It aims to give students transitioning from GCSEs to Sixth Form, to university, insight into and understanding of physics by problem solving. A Level resources range from problem solving, mentoring schemes to extension resources (includes a section on maths questions to help prepare for a STEM course interview).  

The King’s Factor is a King’s College after-school maths club that aims to give Year 12 and 13 students the chance to enrich their experience of maths through challenging and interesting problems to help develop students’ understanding of maths and increase confidence in further study and application of maths. Sessions are led by staff from King’s Mathematics Department and run every fortnight in the evening. Eligibility criteria apply.

The Royal Institution hosts talks delivered by leading scientists and cultural commentators, from ‘Harnessing the power of immunology’ to ‘The physics of black holes’.

The Royal Society hosts science-based lectures delivered by leading experts on a range of contemporary issues. Past lectures have included, ‘The quantum revolution in science and technology’ to ‘The next big thing’ and more. The Royal Society also hosts a summer science exhibition that celebrates the cutting edge of UK science.

MATHEMATICS FOR NATURAL SCIENCES WORKBOOK (UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE) Pdf document to download full of maths problems - provided by Faculty of Mathematics. 

Broad Subject Opportunities

The Clever Podcast is all about design and inspiring interviews with top designers.

Edge magazine is an online resource that brings together leading thinkers in their fields and within broad subject areas – mind, life, culture, universe and technology. Expert conversations range from Alzheimer’s prevention to How to be a systems thinkers.

UCL Minds programme includes public lectures, podcasts, performances and exhibitions on a range of topics, from economics to neurosciences.

Conway Hall hosts a range of activities, including ‘Thinking on Sunday’ lectures. It is known for being a hub for free speech and independent thought.

The Geological Society holds public lectures twice daily at 3pm and 6pm related to improving knowledge and understanding of the Earth.

Gresham College has 130 free annual lectures and events that are open to all. If attendance in person is not possible, lectures are live streamed and over 2,000 lectures are available on their website and on You Tube. Lectures span art and literature, business, history, law, maths, music, politics, religion and science.

InvestIN’s programmes aim to offer students experience of what it’s like to work in, for example, law, banking, engineering and medicine, before they start university. The programmes are designed to give students a taste for different careers and are led by experienced professionals from competitive careers. The programmes are fee paying.

TED talks. Most students are familiar with TED talks and they are a great source of inspiring talks from leading experts. A good place to start are ted talks recommended by students for students.                                                                or  

Nuffield Research Placements is a programme that provides over 1,000 students each year with the opportunity to work alongside professional scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians. Students undertake projects in the summer holidays and eligibility criteria apply.

Queen Mary University hosts a range of activities, including taster days, to help students decide which course to study. 

MOOCs – online courses

MOOCs is short for Massive Open Online Courses that are mostly free. The range of online courses available is huge, from those that may be related to the subject being studied at university level to those that help develop soft skills. By selecting courses carefully, students can show a passion for their subject at university level.

Medicine and Veterinary Opportunities

King’s College Medicine in Action Lectures run lectures aimed at Sixth Form students. Clinicians from Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and KCL scientists deliver a range of lectures. The lectures aim to give students the chance to talk to experts and broaden their knowledge of science and medicine. KCL staff and students also give talks to prospective medicine students, navigating the medicine application process. Students must register to be on the mailing list for events’ information and to book a place. Sessions take place at Guy’s.  

Scholarships and Summer Schools

Lloyds Scholars is run by the Lloyds Banking Group to encourage social mobility. Students can apply for the scheme if they have a confirmed offer from participating universities (additional eligibility criteria also apply). Students get a complete package of financial support, at least one paid internship, a business mentor and the opportunity to develop their employability skills. Participating universities are: UCL, University of Bath, University of Birmingham, University of Bristol, The University of Edinburgh, University of Oxford, University of Warwick, University of Sheffield and Queen’s University of Belfast.

Summer schools are aimed at students whose families have a low income or whose parents have not been to university – other criteria often also apply. Check eligibility criteria carefully before applying. You do not have to be sure that you want to apply to the particular university – going to a summer school can help you get a feel for university and help make your university application more successful.

Cambridge Sutton Trust Summer Schools are residential, week-long summer schools and give students a taste of living and studying as a Cambridge student. Students attend subject-specific events, from conducting their own research project to going to seminars, lab sessions or fieldwork or specialised, small-group teaching (Cambridge’s supervisions).


Imperial College’s Global Summer School offers the highest achieving students aged 16 and 17 an intensive two-week residential programme. It is a fee paying course and applicants are sought who are enthusiastic about STEM and expecting to achieve A to A* grades at GCSE level. Over the two weeks, students attend focused sessions in engineering, medicine and life sciences, or physical sciences, and take part in a team project, solving real-world challenges.


King’s College London Pre-University Summer Schools programme gives students the chance to study a chosen subject at undergraduate level, and help prepare for university and beyond. The programme is over two weeks, residential or non-residential and includes classes, outings, university preparation, advice and wider skills sessions. The programme is fee paying.


King’s College’s Spotlight Summer School is a highlight of the K+ programme. It is a free programme that includes academic tutorials that involve working closely with a King’s PhD tutor, carrying out an independent academic project and information sessions on university applications, personal statements and student finance.

Languages Summer School aims to encourage students to study languages at university level. It is led by SOAS and the University of Westminster, in partnership with King’s College, UCL, the University of Roehampton and The Open University.

Sutton Trust Summer Schools are subject specific and held at 13 leading universities including Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Imperial College, Nottingham, the Royal Veterinary College, St Andrews, UCL and Warwick. Students get a taste for university life as well as taster lectures and workshops in subjects ranging from anthropology to veterinary medicine. The Trust covers all students’ costs but eligibility criteria are strict.