
There's a lot in the news at the moment about the Coronavirus. Some of what you see or hear might sound confusing or scary, so it's normal to have some worries about a big story like this.

  • Don't bottle up your worries - talk to a trusted adult.

  • If you're worried about elderly relatives, find different ways to keep in touch with them, such as video calling.

  • Get your information from trusted sources.

  • Don't worry about what you can't control, but do what you can to help, for example washing your hands regularly.

  • Do things that you enjoy and keep yourself busy.

Following the latest Government announcement on new measures to tackle the spread of coronavirus, it is even more important than usual that we consider not only our physical health but also our mental health. An information pack that has been shared by Buckinghamshire County Council, on ways to support each other during this anxious time.
