Learning Routine

How can I keep as ‘normal’ a routine as possible?

  • As far as possible, teachers/Curriculum Leaders will update specific tasks for you to complete using Show My Homework.

  • These tasks can be completed alongside use of the other resources on the College Links page.

  • We recommend that you plan and keep a diary of what you are doing or, better still – in the time that would normally be spent walking or travelling to and from school, you can plan what you will cover over the course of the day and then take time to record and review what you covered at the end of the school day.

  • The plan can be a mix between specific activities that have been set and the use of the recommended websites that can be used to learn and review.

This ‘break’ provides a fantastic opportunity to review learning so far this year and in past years!

We will all avoid any potential long term impact of not being in school by using the time to review previous learning. Learning is best done in short chunks and then reviewed and then revisited on more than one occasion after the information or knowledge was first encountered. This is a process usually planned by teachers but can also be planned by you.

What should I do with the work I complete?

The work that is completed that isn’t online and automatically marked should be kept so that it can be added to school-based notes if appropriate when we return to school. Anything you produce while working from home will be a potential resource to review when you come to prepare for assessment later in the academic year or in subsequent academic years. Teachers will pick up on and revisit work as appropriate when the College opens again as normal.

My parent(s)/carer(s) isn’t (aren’t) home during the day, how can I still learn without an adult?

If several hours of guided activities take place, along the lines suggested above, you should still be able to talk about and answer questions questions about what has been done during the day. If activities have been completed using online materials, you can keep a note of what you are doing and what you have completed and how this links to what you have learnt previously (i.e. the term a particular topic was covered) or what you are learning in the current term. Some time talking through what has been done at the end of the day is a good way of showing parents/carers how you have used the time available to you during the day for learning.

Reading a book or a magazine or information about a topic of interest online is also good use of time as this will help develop your vocabulary, imagination and (in the case of non-fiction texts) understanding of the wider world. We recommend at least 30 minutes per day.