Secure Browser

This page will help you to successfully download the Secure Browser software to your computer. Please know that the process to downloading the Secure Browser is different for different Operating Systems (i.e. MacOS, Windows, etc.).

Bellow find the instructions to download the Secure Browser. 


Secure Browser for Windows


Secure Browser for MacOS

If you own a Chromebook and would like to download the Secure Browser, please know that it will not work. Reach out to your student's teacher to request a new computer.

Steps to Remove the Old Secure Browser Version

*If you previously downloaded the Secure Browser and try to re-download it again for this year's testing season, you will be asked to Modify, Repair or Remove. Please select the Remove option. Once you have clicked on remove, please proceed to install the secure browser. To install the Secure Browser, please follow the instructions above. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to us 

Navegador Seguro - Secure Browser in Spanish
