Get Outside 

Grade 2


As Habitat Scientists, students will study the patterns of bug habitats in Golden Gate Park, while trying to figure out why bugs choose certain homes. They will engage in hands-on activities while using scientist tools such as aspirators, nets and beating sheets. Students will start to develop an understanding of habitats through patterns and the reciprocity of the natural world in relation to Ohlone land*, Golden Gate Park.

*Referenced from Native Land Maps


How do bugs in Golden Gate Park choose their homes? 

We will approach this question with "Two-Eyed Seeing." First, by seeing the world around us through Traditional Ecological Knowledge*, such as reciprocity; second, by using real tools and being in the role of a Habitat Scientist. Seeing gifts, patterns, and ourselves as part of nature, can help us care for our habitats. 

*Referenced from Redbud Resource Group

Next Generation Science Standards 

Performance Expectations

2-LS4-1 Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.

Disciplinary Core Ideas

LS4.D Biodiversity and Humans: There are many different kinds of living things in any area, and they exist in different places on land and in water.


Days: Mondays - Thursdays;  Sept - Nov &  Mar - May.  

Program Times: 10:15 am and 11:30 am: We recommend you plan a visit with a buddy teacher from your school and book both of the time slots offered on a given day.  Some flexibility in start or end time can be requested, but is not guaranteed. 

Location: Educators will meet classes at the Alligator Swamp inside the museum and guide them to one of our "Outdoor Classrooms" here in Golden Gate Park.  Please reach out to us if there are specific mobility accommodations needed for your class. 

Other program details: The program duration is 45 minutes. Please have students use the restrooms before meeting educators. (There are restrooms near the Swamp, inside the museum).  

Please have students pre-assigned into 6 groups, with an adult for each group. Groups will be sharing tools for outdoor exploration. We will be outside for the duration of the program. 

Additional Support: This program can be taught in Spanish and Cantonese.  Additionally we use inclusive instructional design. Please reach out to us if there are specific accommodations that would help your group engage with the activities.

Transportation: A Guide to Securing a Paid Sponsored Bus for San Francisco Unified School District.

How can I help my students and adults prepare for the trip?

In the days before your field trip, help your class prepare:

On the day of your field trip: 

Meeting Place:

Field Trip Guide & Map  

These printer-friendly maps with tips for chaperones can help set you set the tone for your class's helpful adults. 

Extension Activities

Check out our Extension Activities for Pre and Post Field trip lessons.

Related Books

Interested in stories about habitat, bugs and how we're all connected? Check out our Book Recommendations.

A Social Story to help students know what to expect on a field trip

Social stories help young people know what to expect and how to act in a new environment or social situation.  

The social story below helps students learn about their upcoming field trip. Some students and their families may have never taken a trip to a museum like the Academy. To help them know what to expect, to aid your class in transitions, or to alleviate anxiety of a new place, you may use the social story below.   

Social Story: California Academy of Sciences Field Trip

You can also download the presentation to adjust it to fit your specific trip plans. 

Check out a Sensory Kit

The Academy now offers sensory kits to any visitor in need of extra sensory support during their visit. Kits include sensory-friendly backpacks, adjustable earmuffs, a pair of sunglasses, and an assortment of tactile and fidget toys. Additional items for specific sensory needs are available upon request. Available for checkout on a first-come, first-served basis at coat check.