Making connections between parents, teachers and the CAJ community 

Contact the PTA at

All PTA activities and events are funded by the revenue generated from the Fall Festival & Bazaar, the Spring Party and the Kiosk (during PTA hours), and other PTA fundraising events.

How to get on the Classlist App

First please go to your app store and download the Classlist App. 

Connect with parents in your student's class

Stay informed about upcoming school and PTA events

Sell or purchase items in our school community.


Creating a warm community within CAJ and serving others with Christ-like love through initiatives such as.......

Spring Party

We just had our 2nd Spring Party on Friday, May 2.

Since there has been rainy days during that week, we prayed for no rain for the Spring Party. God is so faithful. He answered our prayers and gave us a beautiful day with no rain! It was just perfect for the party.

Spring Party is a bit different from Fall Bazaar. We do not have vendors selling used/ 2nd hand/ or flea market-type items. It is less crowded and feel very relaxed and chill.

We had about 11 vendor tables including a PTA table. Many vendors sold baked goods and crafts as well as face painting, new merchandise, and a bouncy house. Students prepared games and music bands. Many little children were playing at the play structure too.

Thank you to all the vendors who made the Spring Party enjoyable.

Thank you to the students for adding more fun to the party.

Thank you to CAJ maintenance team for putting out the tables and preparing everything that’s needed for the party.

Thank you, Lord, for such a beautiful and perfect day!!!








2023 Staff Appreciation Week 2024

Thank you so much for your loving contribution. 

The week before the Staff Appreciation Week, many volunteers gathered to make and put up the decorations on campus. We also had students involved in making a small gift to each staff: a bookmark with a Bible verse. We made 104 bookmarks, and all of them had different verses. We prayerfully selected these verses hoping that God will speak, encourage, and comfort each staff through them.

On the first day of the Staff Appreciation Week, we prepared baked goods and delivered them to staff. Also, the message board was up in the Atrium with some encouraging words for the staff. Many students posted kind messages.

The week ended with a special teatime for the staff. It was such a joy to see the smiling faces of everyone as they saw the delicious treats. We love our staff. Thank you for all you do and for being part of our children’s story.

A special “Thank You” to all the volunteers who came to help with decorations, making bookmarks and baking.

We thank God for awesome staff and a loving CAJ community.







Introducing the new 手作り  (Crafts and Baking) Club

PTA is looking for parents who would like to support PTA activities through making crafts and baking together.  

This is a good opportunity to make new friends and have fun making crafts and maybe learning some new recipes.  

Please click here to receive updates and information. 




Christmas Outreach gifts. Thank you to everyone who spread good cheer.🎄😃 December 2024

神様の恵によって今年も東久留米のコミュニティ29箇所と学校のスタッフの方々に皆様から寄付してくださったクリスマスのお菓子、手作りのカード、トラクトをお届けすることができました。 焼き菓子を作ってくださったり、お菓子を寄付してくださったり、また当日、箱詰めをして配達してくださった方々に心からのお礼を申し上げるとともに、祈ってくださった皆様に感謝します。 どうかこの働きを通して地域の方々に救い主イエスキリストの素晴らしい愛が伝わりますように続けてお祈りください。 

In Him,

Asa Swenson,  Hospitality Coordinator. 

By God’s grace, we were able to bless 29 locations in the Higashi Kurume community as well as school staff with both store-bought and delicious, baked treats along with handmade cards and tracts. And it all happened because of your generous contributions and because some of you came to assemble plates and boxes and delivered them! It was a cold, gloomy day, but this gesture seemed to warm up the hearts of the recipients, and that warmed our hearts too. 

Thank you again for your kindness and servant heart.  Please pray that this effort to communicate the wonderful love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, will bear fruit!

In Him,

Asa Swenson,  Hospitality Coordinator.