Spiritual Life

Contact ptaprays@caj.ac.jp for more information

2023 Summer Scripture Challenge

Registration deadline: June 30th, 2023

This summer you have a great opportunity to learn the Bible and make some money at the same time. 

The PTA scripture challenge is a chance to earn up 5,000 yen by memorizing two chapters of the Bible. The scripture for this year is Psalm 139 and 2nd Corinthians 4. If you want to sign up to memorize the scripture fill out this form and start memorizing. 

 Any common versions of the Bible may be used for memorization, but please, no simplified, "easy," or children's versions. 

We will contact you in September to have a chance to say the scripture and earn the money! It's a treasure to hold the words of God in our heart and I think these verses will help you in many ways over the next few years. If you have any questions or need any help please email me at ptapresident@caj.ac.jp 

Scripture Memory Program- Summer Program

Each summer students in grades 4-12 are encouraged to memorize Scripture. The students recite their verses in September to volunteer parents. In 2021 students who memorized James 1 received 2,500 yen and those who memorized James 1 and 2 received 5,000 yen.  If you are interested in being a listener, please let us know by sending an e-mail to ptaprays@caj.ac.jp.


 4年生から12年生までを対象とした暗唱聖句プログラムを毎年夏に開催し、聖書の御言葉(聖句)を覚えることを応援しています。生徒は9月に保護者ボランティアの前で覚えた聖句を暗唱します。2021年度は、ヤコブの手紙1章を暗唱した生徒に2,500円、ヤコブの手紙1章と2章を暗唱した生徒に5,000円の賞金が支払われました。生徒が聖句を暗唱するのを聞くことによって応援してくださる方は、ptaprays@caj.ac.jp にご連絡いただくか、または、PTA Volunteer Formを記入してお知らせください。

Instruction for Listeners

1. Listening sessions, if done in person, should be conducted in a public place, where plenty of other people are around, such as the Atrium or outside benches at CAJ. If done online (Zoom, FaceTime, Google Space, etc.), they should be done with an adult present with the student. Under no circumstances are the listener volunteers to meet with or conduct the online listening sessions alone with the students.

2. Although generally students do the memorization in English, if any have chosen another language, that is fine and an appropriate listener will be chosen 

3. The students can choose any Bible version, and the listener can usually find the chapter from the proper version easily on the Web or a Bible app such as YouVersion. 

4. Perfection is not required. 

--When students are reciting, minor mistakes that do not change the meaning of a verse are acceptable. They can be overlooked, or corrected if it seems relevant.  

--If a student gets a little stuck, the listener can give occasional help with a word or phrase. 

--If the total amount of help needed becomes excessive, then it is simply a subjective decision by the listener whether to pass or fail the student.  

Weekly Community Prayer and Worship

Please join us every Friday morning, rain or shine, from 8:45-9:45 either on campus or online.  This is a time for all parents and staff from any grade level to gather and pray for the various needs of CAJ. It is overseen by the PTA Spiritual Life Coordinator and led by the Community Prayer Worship Leader.  

Contact ptaprays@caj.ac.jp


コミュニティーの祈りと礼拝の集いに、ぜひいらしてください。毎週金曜日、朝8時45分から9時45分までCAJキャンパスで行います。またはオンラインでの参加も可能です。この集いは、学校の色々な課題について、学年を超えた保護者の方々やCAJの先生・スタッフと共に集まり祈る時間です。PTA役員であるSpiritual Life Coordinatorが監督し、Community Prayer Worship Leaderが会をリードします。

Contact ptaprays@caj.ac.jp

Weekly Community Prayer and Worship

Please join us every Friday morning, rain or shine, from 8:45-9:45 either on campus or online.  This is a time for all parents and staff from any grade level to gather and pray for the various needs of CAJ. It is overseen by the PTA Spiritual Life Coordinator and led by the Community Prayer Worship Leader.  

Contact ptaprays@caj.ac.jp


コミュニティーの祈りと礼拝の集いに、ぜひいらしてください。毎週金曜日、朝8時45分から9時45分までCAJキャンパスで行います。またはオンラインでの参加も可能です。この集いは、学校の色々な課題について、学年を超えた保護者の方々やCAJの先生・スタッフと共に集まり祈る時間です。PTA役員であるSpiritual Life Coordinatorが監督し、Community Prayer Worship Leaderが会をリードします。

Contact ptaprays@caj.ac.jp

PIP,  Parents in Prayer,  a monthly prayer meeting

These meetings are referred to as PIP, or Parents in Prayer, and they meet either on campus or online.  They are divided by grade level and are led by parent volunteers (PIP leaders)  from each class. This is another great way to make new friends and to pray specifically for the needs of your child's grade level.  You will get to pray for each child and teacher by name and lift up requests that are unique to that class in your heart language.  If you have never prayed before, you can come and observe. 

PIP 学年別の保護者の祈り会(毎月1回)

この祈り会は通称PIPと呼ばれアネックス会議室またはオンラインにて行われます。学年ごとに集い、各クラスの保護者のボランティア(PIP Leaders) がリードします。クラス固有の課題について共に祈ることを通して、同じ学年の子供を持つ保護者と知り合う良い機会となります。クラスの子供達や担当の先生方のことを思いながら、一緒に祈りましょう。これまで祈ったことのない方も歓迎です。母国語で祈っていただくこともできます。

PTA Scholarship Assistance for High School Student Mission Trips

The PTA is pleased to join with our high school students as they learn to personally reach out to others around the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The PTA gives 10% of the profits of The Fall Festival and Bazaar towards this end. Interested students should submit an application form. 

 Go here for more detailed information.  

Interested students should submit an application form.  


イエス・キリストの福音を世界に伝えるために活動する高校生をPTAは応援します。毎年PTAがファンドレイジング(Fall Festival & Bazaarなど)であげた収益のうち10%が、宣教のための奨学金に充てられています。


Christian tracts

The CAJ PTA distributes Christian tracks prepared by -Word of Life Press (Inochi no Kotoba Sha いのちのことば社).  

These tracks are distributed to friends of the CAJ community during Christmas outreach and other public events.