Event Gallery

Our Event Gallery

This section showcase our events and updates from different community development programme anchored by CAI4SR.

Essilor in Partnership With CAI4SR Set-Up Free Vision Centre In Osun State, Nigeria.

In February, Essilor’s social impact fund, Vision For Life (VFL) and Community Advancement Initiative for Self-Reliance (CAI4SR) launched our first vision center in the state of Osun, Nigeria.According to our Eliminating Poor Vision in a Generation report, Nigeria is among the top ten countries with the largest population of people suffering from uncorrected poor vision. Therefore this vision center situated in the town of Oshogbo is very welcome as it will provide sustainable access to vision correction to 200,000 residents and contribute towards the elimination of poor vision in the area. Opened in conjunction with CAI4SR’s 10th anniversary and commemorated by a free screening event, the vision center is housed within the NGO’s premises. It will provide free refraction screenings and affordable glasses from our 2.5 New Vision Generation (2.5 NVG) range. 

Beneficiaries of SiB Programme, CAI4SR Staff, SUBEB Official and CBM Representatives in Nigeria

Seeing is Believing Programme commenced 2017 and ended Janauray, 2020, Over 200,000 Students in both public and private schools benefitted from this programme with free eye surgeries, spectacles, drugs etc. The programme was a huge success in Osun State, Nigeria with the support of CBM - the funder of the project, Cai4sr the implementing partner,SUBEB, Ministry of Education, Radio stations in Osun State, Nigeria, other relavant Stakeholders. 

Women Empowerment Programme

The programme was launched on June, 20, 2013 with funding support provided by the Australian Government under the Australia Alumni Small Grant Scheme. The project titled, “Enhancing independent living and self-reliance of community women through economic empowerment for sustainable development in Osun State” was primarily targeted at rural women, most especially widows.The scheme provided support to these women to engage in income generating ventures to support their family income since they have become the bread winners for their family. The strategy employed by CAI4SR was to encourage each community trade groups to form a group through which the loan was requested. To ensure timely repayment of the loan, the community leader in the community where the group members function, such as “Baba loja” “Iyaloja” or “Baale” as the case may be in conjunction with the group as a whole stand surety for the group members. This strategy has resulted in remarkable repayment of the loan. Over 60 community women in three communities of Ota Efun, Isale Osun and . 

Your Donation can go along way in eradicating childhood blindness in Nigeria.