LS Counselors Monthly Spotlight To Parents

3-4 Cares - Caring Day.mp4

We celebrated the Pillar of Caring during February, and we want to share with you this video from grade 3-4, about what Caring means to them.

"Be nice to each other. You can make a whole day a different day for everybody."Richard Dawson

The 2021-2022 school year is almost at an end. It was a school year for the history books. For sure, from a parent's perspective, it must not have been easy. From having children at home in a controlled environment to sending them off to school where they would, little by little, share spaces with other adults and children, it could sound scary and exciting at the same time. From a teacher´s perspective, having to teach students and try their very best to keep 4-year-olds (or 11-year-olds!) apart with a mask on for almost 7 hours a day and help them learn and practice social skills was a mission every one of our educators was willing to take on. One thing that undoubtedly comes to mind is that the community was built as a result of this joined effort. Not only between staff and students but also between staff and parents. That is why we want to close our 2021-2022 school year by saying THANK YOU, parents, for all that you do and for supporting us educators in this important endeavour! As our LS Principal Mr. Schdmit always says, It takes a village!


LS Counselors

Counseling Corner

This is a Bilingüal space with great resources that supports the work we do at CAG.

We only have a few more days until summer break comes. These last few days can be especially hard for children whose minds are already set on "vacation mode." Here are a few tips that might help you through these days if you are having a tough time getting your child out of bed and off to school in the morning.

Emotions, like anger, might have a deeper story...

Useful Resources for This Summer

Summer Reading List for Students from Common Sense Media

"With no homework or school to worry about, summer can be the perfect time for kids and teens to crack open a great book. And while beach reads can be a fun escape, sometimes they're more style than substance. That's why we've compiled this list of books frequently featured on teachers' summer reading lists. These must-read books are classics for a reason: They tell compelling stories with unforgettable characters. Whether they're in middle school or high school or just getting started on chapter books, kids, tweens, and teens can use this list to get a jump start on the year ahead. And parents can use it to learn more about the books teachers are assigning their kids over the summer and throughout the school year. " (Common Sense Media).

Check out book recommendations by age by clicking on the following link:

Common Sense Media Book Recommendation

These resources and articles from Scholastic will help you smooth the way, both socially and academically.

Grade 5

Important dates for transiton to 6th grade

Important Information

How to Schedule a Meeting with your

School Counselor?

We invite you to use this form to schedule an appointment with your Lower School grade level school counselor when you need it.