Tier 1 Classroom Counseling 

Classroom Counseling Curriculum Map

All students receive access and support through Tier 1 Classroom Counseling Lessons.  Here are the lessons for this school year.  As an elementary school, we are learning skills and attitudes to not only become great learners but see the best in ourselves and take on the challenges that come our way.

Classroom Counseling Curriculm Map

Lesson plans and topics are developed through ASCA's Mindsets and Behaviors.  Topics can vary based on student need and teacher request. Check out ASCA's website for more information on classroom counseling learning objectives!

Tier 2 Small group Lessons

Here is an overview of groups that are available for students.  Groups are determined by parent/guardian referral, teacher referral, and fastbridge scores.  If your student has been selected to work on skills in group a passive permission slip will be sent home with details about the group content and how many sessions we will be meeting for.  If you have any questions, concerns, or ways that I can help your student I am ready to collaborate!

Tier 3 Individual school counseling Sessions 

Counseling goals are developed in collaboration with the student. School counselors provide short-term solution-focused counseling services.  Sessions are typically 3-8 sessions in length.  When nearing the end of sessions I will reevaluate the student's progress and see if we will fade off of services or need more intervention.

I meet with students to cover topics such as: 

Referral Form

If you feel like your student would benefit from any of the elementary school counseling services fill out this form.