Kindergarten Success at SHEM
Here are some things your child should be able to do to help him/her excel in Kindergarten at SHEM. Your child can...
*Write his/her name correctly (first letter is capitalized and the rest are
lowercase letters ex: Annie)
*Go beyond the "ABC" song (able to recognize letters in isolation and out of
*Identify letter sounds (long and short vowels)
*Write the letters of the alphabet (uppercase and lowercase)
*Write words by sound-spelling (writes the letters that represent the sounds heard in words)
*Draw a picture and label it
*Color a picture using at least 3 different colors
*Use pencils, scissors and glue correctly
*Dictate a story to you
*Identify and create rhyming words
*Read simple sight words (found on web site)
*Read and spell cvc (consonant-vowel-consonant) words
*Identify greater than, less than or equal to when comparing sets up to 10 items
*Copy, extend, and create patterns
*Identify shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, hexagon, trapezoid, cube, cylinder, cone, sphere)
*Create and draw shapes
*Sort by color, size and shape,
*Count by rote to 30+ (add on when mastered)
*Identify numerals to 30+ (in or out of sequence)
*Write numerals to 30+
*Count sets of objects up to 20
*Recognize coins and their values
*Use fine motor skills to tie shoelaces, open lunch items, zip, button, etc.
*Understand and follow simple and multi-step directions
*Stay on task and work independently at least for 15 minutes