Grade Four

Who we are 2nd unit

A balance of interconnected factors influences our well-being.

Concepts: causation, connection, responsibility

  • Identify the health factors that influence well-being

  • How do the factors work together

  • How I manage my personal well-being journey to maintain balance

Flourishing, thriving, surviving

Where we are in Place and Time 1st

Human migration is a response to challenges, risks, and opportunities that impact individuals and communities.


  • The reasons people migrate

  • migration through history

  • Effects of migration on communities, cultures, and individuals

How we express ourselves

Creative expression provides ways for humans to communicate ideas.

  • The ways humans communicate ideas Form

  • How someone's culture influences the work they produce Perspective

  • How does artistic expression connect to emotion Connection

Poetry Exploration - Spoken Word

Sarah Kay

TED Talk

All Our Wild Wonder

Amanda Gorman

The Hill We Climb

Chorus of the Captains

How the world works

Earth's surface is shaped by natural processes and geological events that impact living things.

  • What are natural processes and hazards Form

  • What are the long term effects of natural processes and hazards Causation

  • How to reduce impacts on humans Change

How we organize ourselves

Marketplaces, environment and humankind are connected.

  • Components of the market system - Form

  • Where products come from - Causation

  • The impact of consumer choices - Connection

Sharing the Planet

Living things have structures that function to support behavior, growth, and survival.

  • What are the internal and external structures that support behavior, growth, and survival. Form

  • How do animal sense receptors work to support behavior and survival Function

  • Affect of human disruptions to living things growth, behavior and survival Causation