Meet the Mixalot Family

Matilda Mixalot knows a thing or two when it comes to homeschooling her family of five children.

Her husband works as a pilot for an airline, and she has been homeschooling her children since her oldest, now age 15, started Kindergarten.

Matilda has tried a lot of different homeschool curriculum and methods over the years. She has found some that work well for her family and some that do not. These days, she enjoys the flexibility and freedom of piecing together customized educational plans for each of her students.

Because the Mixalot family uses a lot of different resources in their homeschooling, Matilda has learned to be quite organized. She keeps a detailed daily schedule to keep track of each student's lessons and activities, so that nothing falls through the cracks.

Over the years, the Mixalot family has made a lot of friends with other homeschool families, and they meet together often to offer support and encouragement to each other.

Matilda knows that she can always rely on her HST, family liaisons, and other experienced homeschool parents to offer suggestions and help with challenges she faces.

When Matilda's twins were struggling with meeting state standards in writing, Matilda found an engaging writing course with an approved Cabrillo Point Academy vendor. The twins now attend writing classes two times each week, and Matilda no longer feels the pressure and concern about how to help her struggling writers.

The Mixalot family's two youngest children love gymnastics, and they take a tumbling class twice a week through a CPA vendor.

Matilda's oldest child was falling a bit behind in her geometry class, so Matilda found a tutor that is an approved educational vendor with the school, and she meets with her once a week for individual tutoring sessions.

The Mixalot family knows the value of good, educational resources, and they schedule a time to visit the school's library each week. There, they find books, games, musical instruments, STEM materials, and other important items to support their learning.

On Friday mornings, the family often attends school-led field trips through the Field Trips and Events department, which supplement their educational learning.

On Friday afternoons, Matilda takes some much needed desk time to catch up on grading assignments and plan the next week's lessons and activities.

The Mixalot family thrives by using varied curriculum and educational resources, supplemented with live, in-person classes and lessons, field trips, and the support of the school's library.