Meet the Boxie Family

Betty Boxie is new to homeschooling, and she feels just a bit nervous about it.

She wants to give her three children, ages 6 months to 6 years, a really great educational foundation to build on. But, she has never homeschooled before, and she is not quite sure where to begin.

Betty meets with her new Homeschool Teacher (HST), and she decides that to make this new adventure as easy and foolproof as possible, she will use a year-long, out of the box curriculum.

Betty researches the various curriculum kits available and places her order through Homeschool Hub.

When the boxes start arriving in the mail, the excitement in the air is almost palpable at the Boxie home. There are so many books and educational materials that arrive, and she can feel her children's excitement as they eagerly anticipate the first day of school!

As Betty sorts and organizes all of the curriculum materials that arrive, she is relieved to find a planner and teacher's guides among the materials.

She begins having her students work through the materials each day, following the planner and drawing guidance from her HST, the teacher's guides, and other homeschool families that she recently met through the school's Facebook group.

Her children enjoy the activities that accompany each lesson, and they love the beautiful illustrations and stories that are told through the curriculum books.

The homeschool journey is going well, so far, for the Boxie family, but why stop there?

Betty learns that the CPA Library hosts storytime and craft activites once a week. She takes her children into the library each week, where they enjoy the activities and soon make new friends.

She learns about educational subscription boxes that can be ordered through Homeschool Hub. She orders some kits, and soon, her children's educations are being supplemented by cooking lessons, STEM activities, and art projects.

The Boxie family's new homeschool friends, who they met at the school's library, let them know about a school field trip that is coming up in a few week's time. Betty goes online to the school's Field Trips and Events (FTE) site and signs her students up to visit the zoo with the school group.

The Boxie family may be new to homeschooling, but with the school's resources and wonderful homeschool community, it isn't taking long for them to fit in!