StoragE in Canvas

Need more Canvas Storage? 

Students taking many media-heavy courses may run out of Canvas storage space. Each user has 200 MB. Canvas files should not be a place to store media. 

If this happens, here are instructions to embed images into discussions that do not count towards user quotas. 

Alternatively, it would be best for you to store your media in Canvas Studio which is integrated into all courses and/or Google Drive. If you need a Google account, you can get a Cabrillo email account that is connected to Google.

Need help brainstorming other storage options? Contact the CTC ( 

How to post and embed a photo in Canvas Discussion from Student Google Drive 

Given that there are user quotes (limits) to storage for files in Canvas, these instructions are a great option to embed heavy content such as photos into a discussion post.  

HELP! If you would like support, please reach out to the CTC ( for help! They have help via  Zoom, in -person, email, or phone.