Accessibility for Students

Google Chrome Accessibility Extensions

Color Fixer extension

 Will fix color of any website. Automatically fixes contrast on visted sites. Will also change background color and size of font.

Chrome Text Spacing Extension 

To help you space out the test so it is helps to read. 

Visualize Tab Order 

Tab order is important for a wide range of users, from keyboard-only to screenreader users. By ensuring that the tab order is logical, you can provide a great user experience for as many people as possible.

Read Aloud

Read Aloud uses text-to-speech (TTS) technology to convert webpage text to audio.  It works on a variety of websites, including news sites, blogs, fan fiction, publications, textbooks, school and class websites, and online university course materials.

Google Live Captions

How to enable live captions for videos and audio on Google Chrome

Google Accessibility Support

All accessibility support links for Google, including Android.

How - To Videos for Canvas Accessibility

The Cabrillo College's Transformative Learning Center (TLC) is a center that supports Faculty in teaching and learning. They are also the Canvas Administrators for the College. While the TLC does not support students, they have made great videos that can also help students with Canvas and accessibility! 

How to change the Video Quality 

How to configure video settings on YouTube and Canvas

Using the Screen Reader in Canvas