Become a POCR Reviewer!

Become a POCR Reviewer and Join the Local POCR Team!

Faculty that would like to become part of the POCR Team can contact the POCR Leads through the TLC (  You will be required to take a 4-week CVC-OEI POCR Training Course. Upon completion, the faculty will receive a $500 stipend. Then, the faculty will take the TIDL Program to have their course fully reviewed. Upon completion of the TIDL Program, faculty will receive a second $500 stipend. Once on the Team,  faculty POCR Reviewers can be assigned to be part of the TIDL Program as an instructor and earn a stipend in the range of .25 to 1TU (depending on assigned review tasks) for working with fellow faculty enrolled in the program.

Requirements in Becoming a Local POCR Reviewer

How to get started? 

Email the TLC Director for the invitation link to the CVC-OEI POCR 4-week Training to become a POCR Reviewer and opprotunity to be a TIDL Program Insructor.

Meet Your Certified POCR Review Team