School Council

Pupil Voice provides an opportunity for learners to play an active role in decisions affecting them and their community. One way we promote pupil voice in St. Peter’s is to form a School Council. This gives opportunities for our children to voice ideas and to be listened to. Our motto this year is;

Your Voice, Our Vision

What is a school councillor?

A School Councillor is someone who represents their class and school community on a School Council.

What is st. Peter's school council all about?

Now that we have elected our School Council, they meet every week in Mrs Ward’s room. They have the chance to discuss and implement ideas that could help improve our school community. These might be problems that need to be solved or new ideas. Members of the School Council are responsible discussing ideas at meetings and sometimes they will need to meet with various members of staff to implement new initiatives. This is a very important part of the structure of our school and St. Peter’s School Council are excited to create positive change through listening to others and promoting their voice.

What qualities do our school councillors hold?


School Council objectives

This academic year, our school council plan to;