Digital Leaders


Our Digital Leaders;

have a passion for technology and want to share their knowledge with other children and adults.  They promote the use of all things digital throughout the school and, by learning how to use key software and hardware, they can help others to overcome everyday challenges through the use of technology.

Level Two Leaders with their Awards

Maddison, Fionn, Ryan, Brodie and Daniel

March 2023

Level Two Leaders with their Awards

Maddie, Kaylee, Ellie, Conor, Paul, Charlie and Amy 

February 2023

Level One Leaders with their Awards

Maddison, Brodie, Stephen, Fionn, Daniel and Ryan

November 2022

Level Two Leaders with their Awards

Annagrace, Ryan, Vilune and Abi

November 2022


Our Digital Leaders work over two school years to become part of the DigiKidz Leadership Mentoring Group.  

In Primary 5, the Leaders complete 4 Digital Badges through classroom intervention with Miss Donnelly using Google Certified tools.

In Primary 6, the Leaders complete 4 more badges through afterschool attendance with Miss Donnelly and Miss McCrink

In term two of Primary 6, (after completing all Digital Badges) the Leaders are invited to apply for DigiKidz selection in a two-step process;



What do our digital leaders do?

Safer Internet Day 2024

Each year, our DidiKidz schedule an assembly and share activites for Safer Internet Day to highlight the current internet safety theme.  This year's theme was 'Inspiring Change, Making a Difference, Managing Influence and Navigating Change Online'.

They used a range of media to share ideas with their peers and developed their own presentation, highlighting the theme to bring about awareness and provided activities for further exploration back in class. 

Digital books are created to collect and share resources that can be used by staff to support the planning and delivery of lessons for Safer Internet Day. (see sample below)

On the first year of completion, Digital Leaders worked to achieve their Level Two award in an effort to becoming part of the school's active Leadership Mentoring Programme - 'DigiKidz'.  One step in the application process involved populating pages on the Digital Leaders' website with recent and relevant information for the school community, parents and carers.  

In doing so, the Leaders earned their 'Website Whizz' badge.

Click on the image below to visit the website ⬇️