



The current year 13s

Year 12: Take the time to read these – they are fab……….

Quote from Chloe who is currently doing AS Spanish :

“At GCSE I really enjoyed Spanish, so much that I decided to take it for A level, I am very happy I did.

I have found that AS is much more interesting than GCSE, I think that at AS it feels like you are beginning to learn the language and not just prep for an exam, or at least that’s how I have felt.

At AS the spec has really interesting topics and different areas of study, which you will actually find enjoyable, and far from boring.

The subject is quite tough at times, but there is endless support.

As well as this it is a great subject to have for when it comes to applying for University, as there are so many subjects which you can combine with Spanish, along with the advantage of being bilingual in applying for jobs etc.

Overall I have loved AS Spanish so far, and would recommend it to anyone to take as a choice. “

Quote from James who is currently doing AS Spanish :

In all sincerity, I chose Spanish for an AS Level because learning a language was quite easy for me in key stage 3 and 4. I also really enjoyed the subject as I was always interested in the language as well as Spanish culture. Although it came easy to me at GCSE, there is an undeniable jump in difficulty when it comes to AS Level. It is a challenge, like all subjects at this level. You will experience frustration at times and may feel the pressure of the workload but, if you are truly interested in the subject and are up for a challenge, Spanish is the perfect AS Level. You will delve into areas of Spanish culture around the world and have freedom to learn how you want, in addition to perks such as speaking classes with our language assistant, Beatriz. I have really enjoyed my time in AS Level Spanish so far and I strongly recommend it for those interested in learning a language.

Quote from Oisin who is currently doing AS Spanish :

When in year 12, I decided to choose Spanish as an A level as I hoped to develop the language fluently and learn more about a foreign culture. Although I was nervous at the start about the amount of speaking- based work involved, this turned out to be my favourite part of the subject because of the fun, dynamic interactions with the rest of the class. It can be difficult trying to pick up certain language techniques but these all come to you gradually over time due to the great method of teaching and of the time spent with the teacher as well as Bea.

Quote from Natasha who is currently doing AS Spanish :

A level Spanish was always the one subject that I was a 100% knew that I was picking since primary school from the first time I learned the subject… Until the year I got moved Form class right before (GCSE options) and they didn’t do Spanish as they did French and Irish. I was given the opportunity to learn Irish but there was something about Spanish that I just couldn’t give up so in third year I taught myself Spanish.

So, Year 12 I know how you must be feeling about picking Spanish for A level as you’ve missed so much learning because of what’s going on the world today, but I will tell you now picking Spanish was the best decision even after all the doubts that crossed my mind whether I was going to be able to-do it as well as the people in my class because I had miss so much beforehand.

Spanish is hard but in truth all A level subjects are hard in different ways. I love learning Spanish as to me it’s a beautiful spoken language. I picked and continue to love it as it sparks an interest in me to go and explore the Spanish-speaking world more in the future and continue to learn. Learning Spanish this past couple of years has really brought me out of my comfort zone and really has brought me out of my shell in class (especially the classes with Bea) as in A level Spanish you become like a family to one another. If I being completely honest I can’t really explain why I picked Spanish I was just drawn to the subject.

Also not forgetting that the Spanish department is so supportive and kind to each and every student that walks through their door – they’re just simply amazing

‘One language sets you in a corridor for life two languages open every door along the way’ – Frank Smith