october 6th, 2020
"Compassion involves warmhearted concern for suffering and the desire to relieve it if you can. Compassion can be given both to others and to yourself."
-Rick Hanson, Ph.D.
Compassion is a strength, one that can be developed and reinforced. While compassion is often thought of as the way we act toward others, it begins with ourselves. In his book written with son, Forrest Hanson, Rick Hanson discusses the research of compassion. Practicing self-care, an act of compassion for ourselves, makes us more patient and kind in our relationships overall.
Not having compassion for ourselves can sometimes look like thinking critical thoughts, not feeling as though we deserve to practice self-care, or feeling like a burden to others. We must strengthen our compassion for ourselves before we can be fully compassionate to others.
So how do we cultivate compassion for ourselves? Watch the video below from Dr. Rick Hanson for a great meditation to enhance self-compassion.