Deeper Learning Day 1
Research to support deeper learning!
Research to be used in this Activity
- Schlechty Center on Engagement (PDF)
- Deeper Learning Protocol (Based on Scott McLeod (@mcleod) & Julie Graber (@jgraber) Trudacot)
- George Couros = An aconym in empowerment in schools
Be an active learner and listener. Challenge our thinking - kindly as we want to have a safe place to think and discuss our ideas. Reflect and be solution oriented.
Focus on the work (Resist the urge to spend time lamenting the information we do not have. What can learn from what we do have?)
Look at the work as if it is an artifact in a museum. It is not about a deficit in teaching or learning - this is about understanding what deep learning looks like.
Lesson Observations
Click here to review the lesson plan that is a companion to the video.
From the DLP - Review Sections B (authenticity) and C (deeper thinking). Reflect on questions - Discuss thoughts with table/team.
From your observation in looking at Schlechty's work as well as your own experiences, are the students engaged?
Click here to review the lesson plan that is a companion to the video.
From the DLP - Review Sections D and E. Reflect on questions - Discuss thoughts with table/team.
From your observation in looking at Schlechty's work as well as your own experiences, are the students engaged?
What if you wanted answer to be all questions to be YES. How could we redesign the activity to be yes?
Click here to review the lesson plan that is a companion to the video.
From the DLP - Review Sections F (communication) and G (collaboration). Reflect on questions - Discuss thoughts with table/team.
From your observation in looking at Schlechty's work as well as your own experiences, are the students engaged?
Click here to review the lesson plan that is a companion to the video.
From the DLP - Review Sections G (collaboration) and I (assessment). Reflect on questions - Discuss thoughts with table/team.
From your observation in looking at Schlechty's work as well as your own experiences, are the students engaged?
Lesson Creation OR Redesign
Not to add to your plate - but replace something on your plate
1. Consider a lesson/unit where students are learning because they are compliant vs. engaged or empowered.
2. Highlight the Standard or Critical ELOs you will be looking to assess deeply. Your ELO must be at the forefront of this lesson and should be clearly visible upon implementation.
3. Select an area in the DLP you would like to incorporate in your lesson. Try to imagine what you would hope to see students doing to meet the DLP criteria and critical ELO that would showcase deep learning and work yourself backwards. (Note - Be sure to pick something that will take you out of your comfort zone - but not overwhelm you. Be ready to share your ideas and receive feedback from your peers.)
4. Jot down your ideas and be ready to share. Must haves:
- Grade Level /Subject Area
- Critical Standards/Critical ELO's
- Your DLP Focus Area(s)
- Before/After of your redesign (Big picture for right now)
- What will success of this re-design look like for achievement? Engagement?
- How will students be provided feedback throughout this lesson/unit of work and not just upon final assessment?
5. Submit your Personal Learning Action Plan - Fill out the form to the best of your ability. Do not worry, you can go back and change things later if you need to. You will be emailed a copy of your submission via a Google Doc!
I share, I like, I wonder
It will now be time to share your project ideas with another group. Find another partner who you can exchange ideas with. This may be 1 person or a team depending if others are working together.
- Share: 5 minutes - Presenter(s) give audience a 3 minute overview of their project idea. They are to highlight the bullets above and can add any other information they choose about their idea. The audience member remains silent, only jotting notes and potential questions.
- Reflect: 1 minute. After the presentation there will be 1 minute of reflection time. During this time, the audience should be thinking about the aspects of what they liked about the project or questions they are "wondering".
- I like, I wonder: 5 minutes - this time the audience gives feedback to the presenter about their project. The presenter remains silent. (They can jot down notes to respond to the audience when this phase is done.
- Discuss: 5 Min: Presenter gives feedback information back to the audience and a more formal conversation can occur.
- Share Out - 1 Min - Audience members encouraged to share out some ideas they have heard from the presenters.
After this session is done/the presenter/audience swap roles.