At OAS, we offer many different sporting opportunities.

For 2025 students can participate in:


Moto cross


Tough Guy and Gal


As part of the school curriculum, we are also holding our annual swimming sports, cross country and athletics days. These give students the opportunity to qualify for bigger regional and national events.

Our younger students are provided with ample opportunities to compete and have a go at a wide variety of sports at different competition days spread throughout the year. We usually send teams to the River zone events for year 5-6 such as softball, football, rippa rugby etc, and many of our year 4-8 students get the opportunity to represent the school at regional Football, Rugby, Netball, Basketball, Rugby and Softball events.

The New Zealand Area School Association also supports a regional coaching clinic which allows senior students the opportunity to be selected for the elite Central North Island Area Schools team and progress to the ultimate goal of representing in at New Zealand Area Schools level.

For our year 7/8 students, we provide the opportunity to attend and compete at the prestigious NZ AIMS games held in Tauranga each year.

Our Senior netball team competes at the Upper North Island Secondary Schools Netball tournament, our Junior volleyball team competes at the North Island Junior Championships and our Senior Volleyball team at the National Secondary schools Championships in Palmerston North.

At Onewhero Area School, we pride ourselves in our sporting achievements and fair play. We are punching well above our weight at regional and national events.

Above all though, sport brings people together, and the emphasis is always on FUN and FAIR PLAY to give every child an opportunity to be active and enjoy their chosen sport!

So join in, register and enjoy!  


Any questions - please contact our sports co-ordinators Anke van Dijk or Shona Hagan

