Community Needs Assessment

 Welcome to the official site for the Community Needs Assessment conducted by By Design Consulting, LLC, on behalf of the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities located in Southern Pines, NC. We are thrilled to embark on this collaborative journey aimed at understanding and addressing the needs of your vibrant community. As we delve into this comprehensive assessment, our mission is to ensure that every voice is heard and every perspective is valued. Together, we will pave the way for a future that is inclusive, responsive, and enriching for all that engage with Weymouth. Join us as we work towards building a stronger, more connected community that thrives on the principles of equity, accessibility, and opportunity. 

Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities

We are history. We are current. We are future.

Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities, the former estate of author James Boyd and his wife, Katharine Lamont Boyd, links us to their rich history of conservation, literature, music, and equestrian sport, and provides a place where the creative spirit is nurtured and celebrated.



The mission of Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities is to provide a place of inclusivity by offering literary and cultural experiences that inspire and enrich the lives of our community.


Weymouth will provide a facility and grounds to enrich our diverse community based upon its history while developing plans for sustainable sources of revenue.

Values: Weymouth is…

Inclusive, Inspiring, Creative, Bold, Respectful, Proactive, Courageous, Dynamic, Welcoming

Weymouth Center for the Arts and Humanities | NC Weekend

North Carolina Weekend visits the Weymouth Center for the Arts and Humanities in Southern Pines to learn about the NC Literary Hall of Fame and more.

Meet The Community Needs Assessment Team

Keisha Jones


By Design Consulting, LLC

Dr. Abraham Dones

Independent Consultant

Dr. Alex Kappus

Independent Researcher

Overview of the Project

Goals & Objectives

The purpose of the Community Needs Assessment (CNA) is to comprehensively understand the needs of our community and identify opportunities where the mission of the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities can effectively align and address those needs. By living our mission of providing a place of inclusivity and offering literary and cultural experiences that inspire and enrich the lives of our community, we aim to evaluate if there are additional ways we can serve the community more effectively. This includes exploring potential adjustments or additions to our current vision, goals, and strategies that remain in alignment with our mission while maximizing our impact on the community's needs. To achieve this, By Design Consulting, LLC will be working closely with the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities to conduct the needs assessment. 


Community Engagement

Given the collaborative efforts of the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities with their Board and DEI Committee to identify ways to partner with the community, it's imperative to ensure that community members have ample opportunities to contribute to the assessment process. To facilitate this, we will be hosting a series of engagement initiatives designed to gather feedback and insights directly from residents.

Firstly, we will be organizing focus groups that will provide a forum for in-depth discussions on various topics relevant to the community's needs and aspirations. These focus groups will offer participants the opportunity to share their perspectives, concerns, and ideas in a supportive and interactive environment.

Additionally, we will be launching surveys to gather input from a broader cross-section of the community. These surveys will be accessible online and in print format, ensuring that all residents have the opportunity to participate and have their voices heard.

The focus groups and the surveys we hope will serve as a platform for open dialogue and collaboration between community members, stakeholders, and the project team.

By offering a variety of engagement opportunities, we aim to ensure that the Community Needs Assessment is comprehensive and reflective of the diverse perspectives and experiences within the community. We are committed to creating a participatory process that empowers residents to shape the future of Weymouth in meaningful ways.


What is the purpose of the Community Needs Assessment?

The Community Needs Assessment aims to gather feedback from residents to better understand the needs, priorities, and aspirations of the Weymouth community. This information will inform future initiatives and programs at the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities. 

Who can participate in the assessment process?

We have identified diverse groups throughout Moore County to actively participate in the assessment process. Although we welcome input from individuals of all backgrounds, ages, and experiences, we have identified a specific target audience for our engagement efforts. 

How can I get involved in the assessment process? 

There are several ways to get involved, including participating in focus groups, completing surveys, and sharing your ideas and feedback with us. Keep an eye on this site channels for updates on upcoming opportunities for engagement.

How will my feedback be used?

Your feedback will be used to inform decision-making and strategic planning at the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities. It will help us identify priorities, develop programs and initiatives, and ensure that our efforts align with the needs and desires of the community. 

Will my  responses be confidential?

Yes, your responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. We will aggregate and analyze the data collected to identify trends and patterns, but individual responses will not be shared publicly. 

How long will the assessment process take?

The duration of the assessment process may vary depending on the scope and complexity of the project. We anticipate that the assessment will take several months to complete, with ongoing opportunities for community engagement throughout the process. 

Who is leading the assessment process?

The assessment process is being conducted by Design Consulting, LLC, in collaboration with the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities and its Board and DEI Committee. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that the assessment is conducted with integrity, transparency, and inclusivity. 

How can I stayed informed about the assessment process?

For the latest updates on the assessment process, please return to this site. We will regularly update it with all pertinent information and developments.

Can I provide feedback if I am unable to attend the focus group?

Absolutely! We understand that not everyone can attend in-person events. You can still participate by completing surveys, submitting feedback forms online, or reaching out to us via email or phone. Your input is valuable to us, regardless of the method of communication. 

Will the assessment address specific issues or topics within the community?

Yes, the assessment will cover a wide range of topics relevant to the community's needs and how Weymouth could potentially support and/or collaborate.

How will the results be shared?

The results of the assessment will be exclusively shared with the Weymouth Staff, Board, and other partners directly involved in this project. Weymouth will have full discretion over how they choose to disseminate this information beyond these designated individuals and groups.

Who can I contact if I have additional questions?

If you have any questions, concerns, or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team. You can contact us via email at or by phone at 336-701-3204. We are here to help and are happy to address any inquiries you may have. 

Resources & Tools

Tips on Giving Feedback

Contact Information

By Design Consulting, LLC

PO Box 1334, Jamestown, NC 27282
