
All homework for year 9-11 is currently completed on Dr Frost Maths.  This link will take you to the site.  

Each boy has a username and passcode, the username is a students first initial followed by  their surname and then -29505.  The passcode is a 5 digit code generated by the system.  If a student forgets his code, he must get is from his maths teacher as soon as possible.

For example, for a student named Ivana Dohomework, their username would be idohomework-29505

Please check Class Charts regularly!

A video has been created to assist you with how the Maths Department expects you to complete your homework.

Your homework has to be completed online and at the back of your maths book.  If you don't have your maths book, please complete the homework on a sheet of paper that can be glued in.  


Homework is important because it develops core skills in young children that will serve them throughout school and working life. Improved understanding of concepts, discipline, time management, using resources and improving communication are all vital life skills that will open the door to unique opportunities and help students develop the love for Maths. 

Doing regular homework should be considered as an investment in your child’s future. 

Through encouraging regular homework and supporting your child with their assignments, we can expect to see the following advantages:

•     Every classroom has a few students who have a negative attitude towards Maths just because new math concepts are hard for them to learn and they may not have done so well in Maths in the past. It becomes our responsibility to help those students love Maths.

•     The first step to helping our students love maths is to help them realize that they can get better at it. Many students have a fixed mindset and believe they cannot do Maths which results in a dislike for Maths. The aim is to teach our students the “power of yet." We strongly believe in the Growth mindset and always tell students that they may not be able to solve new a maths problem yet, but if they keep trying, they will eventually be successful.

•     We also remember to celebrate their successes. We remind our students that they weren’t able to solve that type of problem a few weeks ago, but now they can. Seeing their growth will help them have a more positive attitude toward math and develop that love for it.

Examples of good homework

This student has shown his calculations and method.  He has also marked his own work.

This student has shown his calculations and drawn out necessary diagrams.

All home work for years 7 and 8 is set on Educake.  Should you forget your username or password, please see your form tutor or maths teacher.  Below is a document showing you how to access past Educake homework so that you can look back or write out calculations if you have forgotten to.

How to view old Educake homework.pdf

If a student is not complying with our minimum expectations, for example, only writing down the answers, then there have to be repercussions.  

Homework that is incomplete, not online or not written out in full will result in a 15 minute detention.  For every three pieces of homework that is not complete, an hours detention will be set.