Extra Curriculum

Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is currently celebrating its Diamond Jubilee having provided a successful award scheme to young people for 60 years.

The aim of this nationally recognised scheme is to develop young people’s skills in a variety of areas to nurture confident, independent well rounded people.

To achieve the award students must complete four sections:

There are opportunities for students at Haven High to complete these sections within the schools varied enrichment programme in addition to students being able to undertake these sections within the wider community.

The activity that most DofE participants remember and enjoy the most is the expeditions. These will take place in the spring/summer terms in 2017 and will give students the opportunity to learn independent navigation and camp craft skills. We are fortunate to have basic camping and cooking equipment for students to use on their expedition and we undertake rigorous training to enable students to complete the expeditions safely.

DofE after school club currently takes place on a Thursday after school. If you would like further information about the Duke of Edinburgh Award then please visit the national website: www.dofe.org