Jump Rope Club

Primary Jump Rope Club

Who: K-2nd

When: Every Tuesday Morning from October 23rd through December 18th.

Where: In the Gymnasium.

Time: 7:15 a.m. until the bell rings at 7:54 am. (Please enter through the side door near the black top and upper playground.)

Why: Jumping rope is a GREAT exercise and very fun to perform! Research shows that morning workouts help prepare our minds and body for learning.

What you need: Wear clothes that are comfortable to move in and good physical education shoes. A water bottle and snack are helpful but not necessary.

There is a 30 person limit for this activity. I will email everyone Friday after school to let you know if you are in. To register click here to go to the Google Form permission slip.

Secondary Jump Rope Club

Who: 3rd-5th Grade

When: Every Thursday morning from October 25th through December 20th.

Where: In the Gymnasium.

Time: 7:15 am until the bell rings at 7:54 a.m. (Please enter through the side door near the black top and upper playground)

Why: Jumping rope is a GREAT exercise and very fun to perform! Research shows that morning workouts help prepare our minds and body for learning.

What you need: Wear clothes that are comfortable to move in and good physical education shoes. A water bottle and snack are helpful but not necessary.

There is a 30 person limit for this activity. I will email everyone Friday after school to let you know if you are in or out. To register click here to go to the Google Form permission slip.