Teacher Resources

Ed Tech Portfolio & Tool Slam

I'm a grad of the BVSD Ed Tech 3.0 cohort. This is my portfolio, which includes a page for digital tools I love.

TED Talks on Education

John Bohannon at TEDxBrussels: Dance vs. powerpoint: A Modest Proposal

Possibly my favorite TED Talk, and that's saying a lot. Watch this before you create your next slide-based presentation.

Play, Passion, Purpose: Tony Wagner at TEDxNYED

Among other things, about taking risks, making mistakes, failing early and often ("iterations")--and innovating

Arts Integration

Think 360 Arts for Learning

I teach workshops for Think 360--they offer teacher workshops and have a huge roster of artists available for performances, kid and teacher workshops, and residencies.

CDE Integration Units



This section of Edutopia focuses on arts integration lessons.


Harvard's Project Zero Artful Thinking


This site offers more in the line of arts-enhanced lessons (not as much arts integration).

Denver Art Museum Creativity Resource for Teachers

This website includes lesson plans, teacher resources, info on field trips and workshops, etc.


On Teaching Science (by Jeffrey Bennett)


Math for Life (a book by Jeffrey Bennett)