Fireside Gazette

The Fireside Gazette has approximately 50 student reporters from third, fourth, and fifth grades. We publish two issues per year, in the fall and the spring. Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7:15 a.m. Below you can find the schedule, guidelines for turning in articles, and a document with tips and an example article. Questions? Ask Ms. Burgert or Mr. Henkhaus!

Fall Schedule

All meetings are on Tuesdays at 7:15 a.m. in Ms. Burgert’s room. (Our third meeting is on a Thursday due to Halloween.)

October 17: First meeting

October 24: Receive assignments

November 2 (**Thursday**): Check in, lesson

November 7: Check in, lesson

November 14: Rough drafts are due to peer edit

November 16: **NO MEETING, assignments due by 8 a.m. through Google Classroom 

December 12: Proofread paper

December 19: Be the first to see the paper! 

Editing Guidelines

Please help us out by following these guidelines when turning in your article: 

Check out Amelia's example of how an article should look when it's turned in.