Innovation Cohort

Overview of the Innovation Cohort

The goal of the Innovation Cohort is to implement the Innovation Guiding Principles in a measurable way in their schools, including connection to their Unified Improvement Plan. Empower teachers, leaders, teacher-librarians and students with the BVSD Success Skills necessary to cultivate a culture of innovation in their schools.

Expected Outcomes: The innovation cohort members will...

  • Implement their innovation project with fidelity
  • Partner with the leadership team at each school to provide relevant professional development that will foster the strategic goals.
  • Create a professional learning community across schools, grade levels and content areas that fosters partnerships between and within schools.
  • Reflect and document their innovation journey, highlighting the connections between the Success Effect, the Innovation Guiding Principles, and the BVSD Success Skills.

Measurable Results:

  • Schools create specific, measurable results for their innovation plans.
  • Schools create, implement and measure two professional development experiences for their staff.
  • Cohort members actively participate in blended formats to continue learning and conversation.
  • Publish their innovation journey including evidence showing the impact of the school environment on student learning.