
Below is all the amazing theater classes offered at Broomfield High School. (Although they are offered there is always a possibility they may not be available due to lack of interest.)

Theater 1

Theater 1 you will participate in many fun theater activities that are meant to build your confidence on and off stage.


In improv you will explore the fundamentals and principals of improv through many fun, high energy games. you will learn the concept of "yes and" along with how to work well with a partner.

Theater 2

Theater 2 you spend time studying and analyzing characters and show we also spend time looking at our selves and our perception and compassion for others.

Theater 3

Theater 3 is a a class where you go more in depth with all of the previous topics.

Tech Theater

In Tech Theater you will learn all the behind the scenes of the theater like lights, sound, costumes, sets, makeup, and props. You will apply directional concepts to all helping you understand all sides of theater.