Theatre Arts

Due to COVID guidelines, our 2020-2021 theatre season has been placed on hold. Thank you for your patience as we prayerfully wait to bring excellent art to our community. However, while we wait, we will be offering unique opportunities for BVCS students to glorify Christ through the arts! Read below!

High School

Junior High


A virtual night of Original Works

Thank you to those of you who came to our interest meeting! If you still want to be involved in A Night of the Arts, e-mail Mrs. Woodfield for details!

We are proud to bring back A Night of the Arts this year virtually! The theme will be original works! This is the time for you to display your original paintings, songs, monologues, scenes, dances, short films, etc.

You can be involved even if you don't feel like you can create original works we have content for you to perform!

Don't forget to sign up for the Theatre Arts Junior High Elective!

If you want to switch your elective to theatre have your parents e-mail Mr. Ray.

Our department's hope is to still have our annual elementary spring musical!

If we cannot offer a spring musical, fear not! We have a back up plan!