
to Gifted Education 

at BUSD 

 A place where students can learn at their level, amongst others that share their talents and allows them to shine in a way that will bring a sense of purpose to learning. 

Our Gifted Program identifies and educates gifted and talented students.

What is Gifted and Talented Education?

Gifted students from every cultural background see the world in unique ways and are developing minds that may uncover divergent answers to the most challenging questions of their generation. When communicating with administrators, teachers, parents, community members, and the students themselves, it is crucial to emphasize that being identified as gifted and talented is not a badge of honor, not a reason for bragging, nor a reward for good behavior. It is an educational diagnosis. And once diagnosed, the definition is essential in designing the services that permit G/T students to be appropriately challenged. 

There is not universal agreement on a definition of what it means to be gifted. Also, students from differing backgrounds may demonstrate their giftedness in differing manners. It is valuable to investigate other well-recognized characterizations, as they include aspects of giftedness not incorporated into the state’s definition. Developing this broader perspective can help ensure that a wider range of gifted and talented students are properly identified and served.  

AZ State Definition:

“Gifted education” means appropriate academic course offerings and services that are required to provide an educational program that is an integral part of the regular school day and that is commensurate with the academic abilities and potential of a gifted pupil.

“Gifted pupil” means a child who is of lawful school age, who due to superior intellect or advanced learning ability, or both, is not afforded an opportunity for otherwise attainable progress and development in regular classroom instruction and who needs appropriate gifted education services, to achieve at levels commensurate with the child’s intellect and ability.ARS §15-779                               (Click this link to go to the State's website)  Arizona Dept. of Gifted Education 

How will we identify students?

We test all 2nd graders and all 4th graders (except those currently identified).  We will also have a referral process for families, guardians, and school staff to recommend any student for testing, regardless of the grade. 

Gifted Education