Physical Education

Physical Education is an integral part of the educational process. Students will gain a variety of competencies and knowledge, which will contribute to their health and well-being. The courses are comprehensive, co-instructional programs that are designed to meet the fitness needs of today's youth.

PE 9

Physical Education for grade nine will teach students health-related benefits of regular physical activity and the skills to adopt a physically active, healthful lifestyle. Students will be asked to demonstrate their knowledge of and competency in motor skills, movement patterns, and strategies needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Students will be asked to achieve a level of physical fitness for health and performance while demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts, principles, and strategies. All ninth grade students will be required to take the FITNESSGRAM, a state mandated physical fitness test.

PE 10/11/12

Physical Education for grade ten will allow students to become confident, independent, self-controlled, and resilient. Students will develop positive social skills, set and strive for personal, achievable goals. Students will also learn to assume leadership, cooperate with others, accept responsibility for their own behavior, and ultimately, improve their academic performance. Students will add to the standards learned and achieved in grade nine and will be asked to demonstrate knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity. Students may be placed in classes that have both 9th and 10th graders depending on availability.


This course is offered to provide students with the opportunity to explore weight training as an intensive experience in an activity that they wish to participate in for years to come. Students will be asked to explain the principles of biomechanics of first-, second-, and third-class levers and apply those principles to a variety of lifting techniques. Demonstrate proper spotting techniques for all lifts and exercises that require spotting. Identify and apply the principles of biomechanics necessary for the safe and successful performance of weight training. Establish a set of personal physical fitness goals, using the principles of training, and create a strength-training and conditioning program. Course Prerequisite: Students must pass P.E. in both grades 9 and 10.


The goal of the athletic program is to provide training in sports as an integral part of the educational offerings for secondary students. Each area of athletics is organized to provide students with experiences which fulfill physical and mental training, provide for leadership opportunities, develop cooperation, sportsmanship and fair play, and teach the skills related to each sport. Course Prerequisite: Academic eligibility, coach approval, and athletic director approval.