
June safeguarding update.pdf
May safeguarding update.pdf

Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership Advice



See it, Recognise it, Report it

If the matter is urgent because a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, phone 999.

Making a Referral - Members of the Public

Telephone Referral

If you are concerned about a child or an adult and unable to use the Portal below, you can call Customer First on 0808 800 4005 (this is a freephone number).

If you don’t want to give us your name you don’t have to, the important thing is to let us know if you are worried about someone’s safety.

Online Referral

If you have a concern about a child or an adult and wish to make a safeguarding referral you will need to use the relevant Suffolk County Council Portal (child or adult).

The first time you complete a form you will be asked to create a new portal account. It’s quick and easy to register for an account, and it means the information you send to us is secure.

Access the secure Suffolk Adult Care Portal

Access the secure Suffolk Children and Young People's Portal

There are user guides and video guidance available below if you need help using the portals.

Access the Adult Portal User Guides and Video Guidance

Access the Children and Young People's Portal User Guides and Video Guidance

If you feel the need, as a member of the public, to raise your concern anonymously you can do so by clicking the link below:

Raise your concern anonymously about a child

Raise your concern anonymously about an adult

Making a Referral - Professionals

To aid in making a decision as to weather you need to make a safeguarding referral, please take a look at the Safeguarding Adults Framework. This is a useful resource for all professionals, and is broken down in to abuse types to make for easy referencing.

If you would like to discuss whether or not a referral is required, you can call the Professional Consultation Line on 0345 6061499 to speak with a MASH social worker - or use the new webchat facility (details below).

If you have a concern about a child or an adult and wish to make a safeguarding referral you will need to use the relevant Suffolk County Council Portal (child or adult).

The first time you complete a form you will be asked to create a new portal account. It’s quick and easy to register for an account, and it means the information you send to us is secure.

Access the Children and Young Peoples Portal

There are user guides and video guidance available if you need help using the portal.

Access the Adult Care Portal User Guides and Video Guidance

Access the Children and Young People's Portal User Guides and Video Guidance

Suffolk Thresholds of Need and Matrix Documents

This threshold guidance has been compiled by the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership and partners. It meets the requirements of the Government’s ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018’

It is designed to help identify when a threshold has been reached, indicating when a child, young person or family might need support and then to identify where best to get this support from.

Children, young people and their families have different levels of need and these may change over time.

The Signs of Safety and Wellbeing (SOS) Model of intervention has been adopted by Suffolk County Council. It is an evidence based, solution focused model and provides a framework to capture and balance concerns and risks alongside strengths. The Threshold Guidance should be used to inform SOS practice and interventions

Suffolk's Thresholds of Need Guidance

Suffolk's Threshold Matrix

MASH Webchat Service for Professionals

MASH now has an enhanced webchat service. Webchat enables you to seek professional advice from Mash, using your PC/laptop/smartphone. Webchat provides a faster response and is a simpler way of gaining support and advice. Webchat is helpful for professionals who are unable to make a phone call and the ‘conversation’ can be printed. This would be the recommended way to contact the Mash Professional Consultation Line.

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Referrals

If you have concerns about an adult working with a child under the age of 18 that you would like to report, please access the LADO page for more information

Help at Home Needed

If you or someone you know needs help at home, or a family carer needs extra support

Complete an Adult Request for Support form

Self-Neglect and Hoarding

If you are concerned an adult is at significant risk of harm due to self-neglect or hoarding you can make a referral using the forms on our Self-Neglect and Hoarding page.

Access the Self-Neglect and Hoarding page

What happens after making a Referral?

Every concern raised about the possible abuse of an adult at risk is taken seriously.

Dependent on your concern, various teams may become involved. The most appropriate team relating to the concerns you have raised will take a further look in to the situation.

If you have made a referral and received confirmation, you can be assured that it is being taken seriously and followed up.

In some circumstances, we may not be able to share further information on the progress or outcome of your referral with you. Each situation is different and we will consider the person at risk or their representatives wishes, and proportionate, appropriate information sharing in order to keep people safe.

Confidentiality, Sensitivity and Inclusion

All information is treated with the utmost confidentiality and sensitivity. Both the referrer and the person who is being abused will be included in the decision making process as much as possible.